Month: September 2016

Promotion of Fair Trade and Organic wines in Australia

Lautaro Wines was invited by ProChile to exhibit our products in the main food and beverages fair in Australia, called the Fine Food fair, which this year was held in the city of Melbourne.

At this event, we participated together with 5 other Chilean companies in a stand sponsored by ProChile, that had as main characteristic, the sustainability of the exhibiting companies.

Australia shows a high level of development of both producers as consumers in organic food and beverages, great concern for the sustainability of the products and processes, social responsibility and a variety of Fair Trade products offered in the market.

Our thanks to the sustainable trade team of ProChile and their team in Australia.

Publication in the European magazine Weltladen

The magazine of the Fair Trade shops in Germany and Austria, Weltladen, published in its first edition of 2016 with an extensive article on Lautaro Wines, mentioning our history, the present and challenges.

Our General Manager, Mr. Raúl Navarrete appeared on its cover.

The company, GEPA imports and distributes our wines in Germany and EZA is our distributor in Austria.

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