Welcome to our past and present
Our dream of small scale producers began with the Chilean land reform, which provided us small parcels of land that we worked individually to harvest annual crops.
Later on, technical advisers convinced us to plant fine vineyards and to sell our grapes collectively.
Then we decided to add value to our product and we started producing wine.
The story of our association began in 1997 when 17 small scale grape producers grouped together to form the Sociedad Vitivinícola Sagrada Familia S.A, in the Lontué Valley, to produce fine wines under the principles of Fair Trade for different markets in the world, bringing the fruit of our efforts, land, climate and joy to thousands of households.
Fundamental was the support of the Belgian NGO OXFAM Wereldwinkels, who sought in Chile a company of our profile, to bring to the old world, wines of the small scale family agriculture.
Our producers decided to name their wines after the young warrior and military hero Lautaro (1534-1557), who with only 19 years, showed great strategic skills and a value without precedence, organized and began the resistance of the Mapuche people against the invading Spanish conquistadors.
The young leader Lautaro died at age 23 in a Spanish ambush in the vicinity of the town of Sagrada Familia on the banks of the river Mataquito, same river that nowadays irrigates the vineyards of our producers, who identified with the young warrior decided to pay him honors, calling the result of their work with his legendary name.
20 years have now passed, and Lautaro Wines has operated under the philosophy of Fair Trade and exported wines to Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, France, Finland, Brazil, Mexico and Canada.
Today 23 small scale producers-providers form our company, who have the support of a great team of professionals and friends around the world, who we feel are like part of our family.
An important percentage of our Lautaro grapes and wine production are certified organic, consistent with our philosophy of socio-economic and environmental sustainability.
Our dreams remain the same as 20 years ago: to advance with the sense of fairness towards all and the well-being of our families, community and partners, while continuing to care for the environment.
We are Lautaro wines!
Welcome to our past and present. Help us to build our future!